Custom cardboard boxes

Interactive packaging

Augmented reality, QR codes, randomly printed packaging These are just some of the technologies that we can apply to create interactive packaging.

Interactive and connected packaging is an emerging trend in the packaging world and offers a number of unique benefits and features.
Some of these benefits and features include:

Enhanced user experience:

Interactive and connected packaging offers a more immersive and personalized user experience, thanks to the incorporation of elements such as touch screens, augmented reality or QR codes. This allows companies to offer a more memorable and differentiated user experience.

Increased customer loyalty:

Interactive and connected packaging enables companies to collect and process data on consumer behavior, allowing them to offer a more personalized user experience tailored to the customer's needs and preferences. This can contribute to customer loyalty and brand loyalty.

Increased supply chain efficiency:

Interactive and connected packaging can be equipped with real-time tracking and monitoring technologies, enabling greater supply chain efficiency and better inventory management. This can help reduce costs and increase efficiency at all stages of the product lifecycle.


Charloa de cartón personalizada

Custom printing

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100% customized design and printing on all our client's packaging / displays.

Charola de cartón para retail

High resolution printing

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360 dpi printing

Caja de cartón impresa por ambos lados

Custom cardboard boxes for food products

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Graphic design and printing outside and inside the packaging or display.

Display para farmacia

Pop and display manufacturing

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We do not only design and manufacture corrugated cardboard boxes, we can also design and produce point of sale packaging and displays to make your products stand out in store.

Empaque aleatorio

Design Randomness

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Same packaging with different printing, micro-segmentation and/or hyper-customization.

Empaque con realidad aumentada

Augmented reality

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Through packaging with visible or hidden codes, it detonates connectivity with the final customer, from links to surveys, instructional materials, videos, augmented reality and many more.

caso de estudio

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Alcance de soluciones

No importa la forma de tu producto. Desde una pequeña caja hasta un
exhibidor tamaño estadio, nuestro equipo de diseño tomará tu idea y
creará la mejor opción para ti y tu marca.

Ventajas Grupak

Contamos con impresión en alta gráfica (selección de color 6x0 tintas), trajes a la medida, taylor made packaging y personalización además de velocidad en desarrollo de propuestas de diseño y manufactura.

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