Electronics and

home appliances

Create attractive packaging for your electronic products and stand out at the point of sale.

Empaques con realidad aumentada

Packaging function in the electronics and appliance industry.

We include digital printing in our portfolio of solutions to allow you to promote your products designed with the theme of the moment in a matter of days, it may be a television or a coffee machine or anything else. Always taking care the sustainability and the protection that your products need.

Alcance de soluciones

Impresión digital CMYKOV, sin mínimos de producción, elaboración de
kits promocionales y temporales


Empaques con código QR

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam

Lorem ipsum

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Empaques con código QR

Lorem ipsum

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Connectivity and interaction are increasingly present in our lives. The internet of things has even reached packaging and we are the perfect way to capture the creativity of brands. Thanks to our printing technology, we can include QR codes to generate augmented reality and much more.

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